December 11th, 2008

oe hey look, and meanwhile, in Snatter’s special adventure, Snatter has battled through the Cracker Dungeon, where you pull crackers in certain orders to open doors and stuff.

and now he’s fighting…





Snatter defeats him by giving him a present again! THAT’S the snatter’s way! What do you think it is?


What did Snatter give the cracker bloke to cheer him up? mspaints welcome. Prize is you get to nom the most chocolate tomorrow when we find out the answer

well lads and shelads (are there any shelads? have a look if anyone’s eating the most chocolate without even winning a nompetition, that’ll probly be a girl), onward down the chocostairs for us! Look, the bannisters are chocolate too, let’s eat that, that’s better than eating chocolate all your bumm’s and feett’ have been on. Nom

yes, but she declined! I heard her saying to Snatter that she was going to elf school to help them prepare for the war. I expect she made loads of stuff with her incredible wood skills. We’ll see her again thoe!


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