December 14th, 2008

“Helloed!!!” cor him voice is bigfat like Mr Blessed’s!

“Helloed, I am the Ghost of Christmas Present! Mo Ho Ho! I liek life! Life liek me! I love the worrlld – bom bom!”

hehe, he’s jolly and i enjoy him.

“My boy, my boy! So good of you to come and visit me, I have felt so weak of late, so weak. Even as Christmas spills out all around you, I find myself here, confined and saddened and longing to break out and spread good cheer and all that etc!”

he actually said “ettuck”

“And you have brought all of your friends! Ohh, it is very clear to me that my services will barely be needed here. But my power dwindles with every moment! I-I believe it is the Antisnatter, do you see? The Antisnatter, what he did all those centuries ago finally comes to a head now, yes, certainly this year, I can feel it eating away at me inside, you see, inside, my dear boy! So good of you to find me, so good!

“But I have been helping you! I wouldn’t let a chap like you journey alone, oh no! I have been trying to get the calendar to you, or you to it! I have been opening the dores, you can see! Each day I have been opening a dore on the calendar and my Christmas influence has allowed you to discover that day’s chocolate wherever you might be at the present time. That has been my present to you! Yes!”

Thank you, ghost! Everyone thank Ghost, he’s been getting us chocolates! They have been very nice.

“And you can remember eating it! What a delight that must be! Tell me, for I have always yearned to know, what is it like, being able to remember events prior to Christmastime? It’s all I have about me you see, it’s all there is in my arsenal, Christmas Present! What’s it like to have knowledge of other things? To remember the past?”

oe! Well, we’ve had a lovely time in the past! I mean last time, it was Snatter at school! And his friends, and there was a naughty boy called Pete and a big present… and before that, we saw the birth of Snatter itself! And all the possibilities of Christmas were focused into one great booming Quantum Chocolate, and whenever anyone touched it crazy mad things happened…

“No no, those are all Christmas memories! I can tell you all about Christmas. But what about the time in between? What do you do the rest of the year, when it isn’t December? What do you do with yourself then?”

oe i see! well that’s just boring stuff. Non-christmas memories aren’t nearly as interesting. I’m more interested in that time when the Snoeman was flying through the night sky, and he gave Snatter a special scarf and…


who was that? someone went “Ghost of Christmas Present, I will take over from here. Thankyou for your help.” But who im he? He’s got a hat on and I can’t see his face properly…

oe he take off the hat..



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