December 24th, 2009

…wait, two snatters here. that’s … yeah? I’m not being silly am I, that could be really good yeh? I mean having 2 Snatters on board, that’s like twice the hope that something good will happen. Isn’t it? I mean, this Snatter here isn’t doing very well, but what if they teamed up? A big one and a little one… what would that be like?

Old Snatter might be having a thought like that because just as I thought it, he sort of perked up a bit. Not quite as sad looking. Maybe I can help and keep him in a good mude by finding what other Snatter is doing!

Because I bet… I bet the other one, the young one, I bet he’s doing something really cool and Christmassy right now! Let’s find out where he im! Where im he, let’s see…

ok, what are these controls for. let’s see that one… no, that look like it do a thing like making the ship go this way or that way, which obviously isn’t going to work now that there’s no computer to run it… this funny handle one is probably how warpy the ship can go, that won’t work either… ah! what about this one


yes! here we go! this is controls for the futuristic Snat-Nav that can find anyone in the world and see if they’re naughty or nice! FIND YOUNG SNATTER PLS!

He come up on the big screne! Everyone look and they all surprise with gasp! Because young Snatter is somewhere else on the ship looking angry, and him stamping along, and him stamp into teleporting-down room! Him say some orders at the elf at the desk, and then him beem down!

beem down where? to the North Pole presumably, but what’s he going to do there?! There’s a monster and there’s an Antisnatter, it’s horrible there!

Everyone is shocked by that, but also they don’t noe how to help! Because we can’t actually swoop down on the planet and shute the monster or something (especially since the shutey controls aren’t working as they were the first things to go when Patch started breaking).

And Old Snatter mutter to himself, “I don’t remember doing that…”

So everyone just sort of… sit there and… watch the screen and think “well here we go, into Yulicron’s clutches…” and probably thinking “I hope something happens to stop the badness happening quite soon please,” but Snatter himself doesn’t look very hopeful and I, well…

I don’t noe whether to be hopeful or not! You noe? We’ve got one Snatter here who doesn’t have much of a chance, and another who is beeming down who have even less of a chance (I mean mecha snatter might not eat us, but big monster and antisnatter will deffo finish off young Snatter down there) – but somehow the fact that he decide to go and have a chance, just as I was thinking about how maybe he could do something, well that’s sort of hopeful isn’t it?

what’s going to happen??

How is anyone going to even get out of this m80s? I-I don’t noe!

Chocklate by the way was of two snatter hats. that’s what made me think of there being 2 snatters. I noe it’s obvious, but, you noe? I spose I was just in a mood.

I’m not in a mude now thoe!

old snatter seem ready to get up and do something. what tho, what can he even do? Actually I AM in a mude.

old snatter sit down again.

There’s hope! No there isn’t. Yes there is! I don’t noe!! What do you think? I don’t – – – –


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