December 4th, 2011

Ha! There! See! If girls were silly they couldn’t bing. That is a REGISTERED FACT.

Woo. I don’t noe where we are, but it is expansive and there is a big computer machine thingy in the middle of the rume. It’s not turned on but you can tell it’s made for lots of ppl to stand around and fiddle with buttuns etc.

“It look,” goe the nobblyboy, “a lot like a place where lots of ppl would work at controlling things.”

yes. that what i just said. what a genius megabrain you are.

“Noe shut up, what I mean is it look like the bit where ppl drive a … SPACE SHIP.”

Well it can’t be that, because then we would have to be on a space ship, when in fact we are in a funny christmas place that I binged to when I saw the lights of Snatter’s slé go past.

“Are you sure those were slé lights?” he goe. “I happenne to be a very knowledgable about Christmas people, and I happenne to noe that Snatter get’s a space ship centuries into him job as Snatter, so that he can fly around in space! Well, this might be one of the times when he can fly in space!”

well of COURSE snatter fly around in space. How else would we have both heard of Snatter if he did not fly in space, you are obviously an alien from some sort of trees planet, so he must have flown to your planet as well as mine!

HUF! HE SAID I AM OBVIOUSLY THE SPACE ALIEN NOT HIM. That is very rude!!! I don’t look like a space alien you do!! But Snatter doesn’t need a ship, he drives about in space in his slé, it is just that good of a slé. EVERYBODY KNOES THIS. no matter what planet you are on, if you look in the skye on xmas eve you can usually see Snatter’s slé flying about. Ppl have looked with tellyscopes, it’s definitely a slé.

Fine. He seems determined to pruve it is a space ship instead of a slé, and to do that he’s going up the little steps to turn on the machines.


A big hollygram has appeared over the machines!

“Wow look!” goe nobble boy. “We were both rite! (except i was more rite.) If we can assume that this is a hollygram of where we are, and if it wasn’t then that would be a weird thing to have a hollygram of, then this is a SPACE SHIP that is in the SHAPE of a SLE.”

Oe yeah! It must just be a good shape for a space ship i suppose.

“Yeh! Look at the engines all strung out in front of it!”

and that one at the front must be the xams effect generater!

“Well,” say nobbl, “I told you I knew everything about Xmas. Snatter haves lots of adventures over the course of him life, and this one must be happening during the days when he had a space ship! I wonder if he will be fattoe yet. Have you seen him about?”

not yet noe. I’m trying to meet him, but it’s really hard with everyone frozen and floating about, except for us and m8s.

“And Rudolph.”

yeah and rudolp. I talked to him and he woek up.

“Wait so you were there when rudolph woke up AND me woke up?”

yeh. Oe and M8s, i woke up him too. Well, we all did.

“Where did all the m80s come from?”

I sort of woke them up as well, ibb iblo 

“What? what is that weird noise you do”

i was laughing, don’t you ever laugh? Do boys not laugh, because everything they noe about is so SERIOUS and FIGHTINGEY

“Noe but I laugh like a normal person not like an alien.”

shut up.

“But THAT MEANS” him say “that you woke up EVERYONE WHO IS AWAKE. You must be a waking people up person.”

oe! I suppose soe. We should go and find some other ppl to wake up shouldn’t we!


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