December 11th, 2006

And so to today! Back in teh real world we can once again see the advent calendar, depicting scene of baby snata at his birthplace, called the snatavity. and it have’s doors still for those extra days i did without you, because those were Alternate Universe Doors.

on floor is a spid0r, it coloured red with white bits round teh edges. this the radioactive spid0r that bites baby santer and give him CHRISTMAS POWARZE.

the original xmas spidre

spidor got christmas powarze by getting bitten by another baby in the next stable along, who seems to have christmas powarze already.

little spid0r! if I was there I’d splat it, and so good job I wasn’t else there’d be no snata, and the baby with the christmas powarze would have to fly around handing stuff out.

Mind you that might be better for him, cause if he had flying reindeer they might’ve swooped down at the last minute and saved him from seversal nasty enemies who get him later in life. As is, he meets a rather sticy end i’m afraid, and then the rest of us are going to hear about it, let me tell you.

it’s all snata’s fault. THAT BABY (man) COULD HAVE LIVED. and been Christmas Man, flying around and that.

anyway, so, open up the door around the spider and what’s inside…


A clunky punky trunky tub of thicky sticky gunk!


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