December 14th, 2006

OK i’m on the computer now and… well…

I’m not entirely sure how to represent what I saw inside that door. I can’t take a photograph, I can’t do a drawing, but I can try and explain.

There was a chocolate. just a normal one of a stocking

Kind of like this, but...

But that wasn’t all.

It’s… it’s as if…

Somehoe, by going into that other dimension, we broke spacetime. i don’t knoe how that would work but it’s like the veil separating us from the other dimension, but more dimensions too, is injured in places, and this calendar seems to be the bandage. As I open these doors it’s as if I’m pulling apart the seams of spacetime. but not just generally…

…specifically, we are tearing the frabric of christmas, across multiple realities.

wWhat i saw inside that door… it was…

....more like this

An infinite number of chocolate stockings, but at the same time one stocking, of infinite depth, reaching back across the multiplane in a perfect Fibonacci spiral.

and here’s the scary part

As i saw it my eyes watered as i felt a deep connection with the universe, and as i stared, these infinite chocolate stockings, this one limitless spiralling chockoling, came into focus. and these millions of positions and possibilities, these potential dimensional chocolates, arranged themselves in a three-dimensional matrix where, like in a colourblindness test or a Magic Eye picture, I could discern a number of chocolates which were somehow separate from the others, though not separated by space. These were the ‘important’ chocolates, the ones which could, in a number of different possible ways, affect me.

They hung there in space, significant and standing out impossibly against a backdrop of infinite chocolates.

And they spelled out a message.

The Herald of Christmas Cometh


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