March 13th, 2010

RIGHT then, that’s it! I can’t bear any of this waiting any more! It’s been… cor, how long has it been? I don’t know, it’s weird, not even a day has passed so it must be still coming up to Christmas, or… let me work it out, it must be probably… it must be… Christmas day!!

But… it feels like it’s much later than that, like somehow time has been passing without us, even though we’ve all just been stuck hanging around here in space waiting for dume and destruction to befall us! I hoep we get to have a Christmas! Oh never mind, I’ll work out what day it is later, but right now I need to do something decisive!!

PILKY! FLY THE GOOD SHIP SNATTERSTAR SNATSNATTERSNAT DOWN TO NORTH POLE! I don’t noe what we can do to help, but we can’t do anything up here! If Yulicron (the biggest Mecha Snatter ever) is going to just eat the whole planet – and it looks like he’s gearing up to do just that, because he’s going um num and rubbing him giant tummy and reaching out towards earth with him mouth open which is all the sort of thing you’d expect someone who was about to eat a planet to be getting up to – then I’m not just going to float about up here and watch it happen!

Come on Pilky yeh!!

That’s it, fly us closer! Come on!!

From this proximity you can see some of the details on the planet. There’s the xmas ninjas big robot dood look (the one made out of the xmas nindjers’ robots all folded up into a bloke)! He’m standing there on the ice looking up at Yulicron, probably going “How am I meant to fight this?!”. Well no, him a robot, so him probbly going “Beep boop, how am I meant to fight this? Vvvvrvrrrrrt!” you noe, and robot noises etc.

But Yulicron is in space! Not north pole, space! and The Ninja Robot with the christmas ninjas in him can’t fly, and so from down there him can’t actually do anything about Yulicron anyway! If only there was some way of lowering some sort of grabby-claws under the ship and lifting robot up, then we could fly up together, carrying him underneath, and then we could fight that robot titan in space! He’d be swinging him’s sword about (has he got a sword? I bet he can call one down) and we’d be… well, we’d just be flying him up to Yulicron so he can dush his sword into him and then flying him out of the way again so he can’t get dushed back, because we don’t have any guns or anything, unless those special controls that Snatter was worried about having to use as a last resort do anything gunsey. So barring that, it’d be good if there was some sort of claw or attachment thing so we can just carry the ninja robot dude.


hang on

there isn’t, is there, pilky? Computer head bloke Pilky? we haven’t got extendibble claw things have we, that we could – no? oe.


all I’ve got is… well, this coin really, that Snatter left behind. You noe, the one that supposedly holds great Galactic Christmas Force, the one that Zordon said to bring to the Christmas Ninjers so they would have loads of power, but then Old Snatter kept looking between it and these special last resort controls on board the Snatterstar and he didn’t want to use it, because he doesn’t like using gigantic weapons that can really bume things to bits in a very big way… that coin.

You knoe… now I look at this coin, I really just want to sort of, sort of hold it like… this,

and then just, and then put this hand… here… and…



Some sort of magic icicle came out of the Galactic Christmas Power coin! I dunnoe where it came from, I just sort of pulled it out of the coin!

Well pals, I don’t noe if it will help, but you know that special peddistle that is meant to be for using the Snattersnat Snattsnattersnatter’s weapons, and Old Snatter didn’t want to use it because he doesn’t like weapons? Well… I mean, I don’t really like weapons either but the thing is, there’s a big hole right there in the pedderstle. And, Zordon did say that a good way to help fight antisnatter would be using this coin, didn’t he.

Maybe Christmas just needs someone a bit less gentle than Snatter to help this year.

What do you reckon?


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