December 17th, 2007

I CAN’T! I daren’t show you!! ooaa I am in an Guish!!!

let’s look for the next door and perhaps I can bring myself to my sense’s.

Dore Seventeen

We’re stuck in the Head’s office as a sort of rumbling is going on around us. There’s a strange deep rumbly sound like a rumbling sort of rumbly, and things are going shake shake on the mantelpiece and that.

What going on? Beazie is here, so he can’t be causing any trouble. But oe! A bloke is running towards us, he have big weirdy hair and he’s all strung up in a really thin clothes and he’s scary mates he’s scary! He’s sort of alluring BUT SCARY

Oe, it’ David Bowy again! I think he is in character from one of his films. Helloed, David Bowy again.

“Right! How about now! I’ve waited years for the opportunity, please tell me I didn’t show up too early again? I can feel rumbling and everything, this must be it, surely?”

“What?” say the Head. “What are you here to see, David Bowy?”

“I – I can’t tell you! My friend told me never to meddle with the past! I can only observe!”

“Why are you hear?” Richard Burton Head say.

“To see it happen. To see the moment when history was changed forever. The co-ordinates were very carefully worked out – if I haven’t missed it, then on this day will come one of the great Christmatic events, an event which will shape Christmas for the rest of time!”

Oe mates, something big is going down, and only a handful of people seem to know about it, and they’re not telling us what it is!

Let’s console ourselves by eating the chocolate. It is hidden about Bowy’s person somewhere. If you can guess where, you get the chocolate.



But it can’t be true!!! We would have been there!! You are being framed, m8s! I’m so sorry I don’t know what is happening!!

I’ll fight for you m8s! I mean unless I have to go out of my way obviously, but if you are under suspicion of being on the scene of a murder that never happened, then if I can do anything, anything at all, without really putting myself out, then I shall! You have an alibi m8s, you have been with me all this time!!



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