December 25th, 2007

Oh, they all got married and had kids and sent them off to Elf School. All was well.


Only joking, in fact there are many more tales to be told of the Vendequm and the various important histmastorical events that helped build Christmas. But, briefly:

Burgess continued to age despite his immortality, being the first of the Elves to escape to the Lap of Luxury and set up the Workshop. Eventually he became too wizened to work in the Workshop itself, but continued to cast a fatherly eye over operations from his Grotto, seldom ever emerging: a sighting of him became a deeply moving experience for all Elves.


Duddles, either because of his innocent nature or because of something complicated to do with the quantum chocolate, was always younger than many of the others, and went on to become one of Snatter’s most trusted friends. Ever fascinated by technology and invention, Duddles created a lot of the useful gadgets we base our lives around today, but takes no credit for them.


Dooley’s debt to Snatter was, in Snatter’s own view, paid off in full long before Snatter returned to the Workshop in adulthood. However he continued to work there for (as far as can be discerned) all time, and although no such official title was ever appointed, Dooley acted in the role of Head of Workshop.


Although still a bit wet at times, Puffy remained an advocate of traditional toy making for children. If you ever see a toy made from wood, it’s almost certainly at least descended from one of Puffy’s designs, which in turn were closely based on those of the Ancient One, Burgess himself, but tweaked to be more robust and safe.


Beazie was wiggling the Antisnatter at the moment of quantum merging.

“Time will travel with him” being an important part of the Snatter prophecy foreseen by Burgess (hence the ability to deliver toys to all the world’s children on just one night), the Antisnatter would also possess such powers and be able to observe both timelines occurring one after the other, as the Snowman did. Beazie was touching him and so would also be removed from the timeline in a similar way, but not being either Snatter or Antisnatter, would not have been capable of coping with it.

This could be why Beazie seemed to lose his memories of life at Elf School in the transition from Lapland to the human world, retaining only trace memories. Of course, this might not be the explanation at all, we shall have to wait and find out in the course of things.

True to his word, Beazie went on to become a very rich and important man in Manhatten, a business magnate worth several billion.

He never again believed in Snatter.


David Bowie enjoyed a long and successful career in music and film. Further videos and notes made by Bowie on the subject of his time travelling adventure suggest that he did not go on any further quantum hops for the majority of his career, due to an internal fear that his journey to the scene of the Snowman’s sacrifice may have caused some kind of quantum discharge which physically corrupted a friend of his in a way as yet unknown to science. There is no evidence that this corruption was the actual cause of his friend’s death only four years later, but the possibility of it seems to have prevented Bowie from pursuing his quest further. However, came to terms with what happened, and continued to wait patiently for the Snowman to explain to him on his own terms what happened that day.

David was last seen holding a piece of chocolate and consulting charts. He is missed.


The Snowman is still reborn each winter, along with all Snowmankind, a result of their quantum curse. He lives life after life, winter to winter. This awakening is disorienting to them at first, but after a brief period of childlike confusion and rediscovery of the world, they remember Snowmansland, and return there by flight, where they throw a big party. Snatter tries to make a point of visiting this party each year. The Snowman himself remembers one thing with each awakening, however: he has taken a vow of silence, to prevent the innocent children who rebuild him from finding out about his past.

The Snowman was never sure that he had been forgiven for his terrible responsibility… until the year Snatter gave the Snowman’s scarf to the young Bowie as a Christmas present. This proved Snatter’s deep respect.

The Snowman is reborn in the UK each year around Christmas, to the delight of children all over the nation.



As for Dooper and the Antisnatter, well, that’s another story for another time.



Snatter, of course, went on to become a very important person, and the kindliest man in the world. With the help of his Elves, he maintains the Christmas tradition each year, despite the goons from the Ho Ho Or Humbug thread.


Season’s greetings!




  • Olivia says:

    The most Christmassy story in any of our lives, and my favorite Adventure Calendar of the decade. Year two has the Harry Potter junk, time travel nonsense, tear-jerking Snowmen, Bowie, and it all wraps up in a fantastic kind-of-makes-a-bit-of-sense bow. This year’s story is closest to my heart of any Christmas tradition I have. Thank you, thank you, thank you for preserving it for us.

  • Mister Apple says:

    I realise I never left a comment, so here’s a comment:
    I like this a lot more than last year’s one, and I’m assuming they just get better from here on out.
    Merry belated Christmas, and Wiggle He!

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