December 11th, 2009

Duddles leap to him feet, hyperactive elf that he im, and he run up the stairs to a wooden balcony that overlook the main bit of the Workshop.

“Everyone!” him shout. “Everybody, listen! I’ve found something!”

Elfs gather round and look up at Duddles. Dooley is there as well looking.

“I have in my hands an invention! I made it to help Chris navigate his slé, but even in his absence -” a murmur go round Workshop. Everyone’s been wondering where he is, apparently. “it might help us! This device can lead us to the Antisnatter!”

A gasp round!

“The Antisnatter!” someone cry, “but he was bumed!”

(they mean when the rume he was in went bume.)

“I know!” shout Duddles, “and yet this device has revealed to me that he is out there somewhere, and that we can find him! It may just be his remains, but either way we have to know! I propose an expedition out across the frozen wastes to find him. I’ll be following the directions precisely. One way or another, we’ll find what we’re looking for.”

“And then?” shout a voice from down below. It’s Dooley, sensible to the end.

Duddles look uncomfortable. He’s all about big exciting ideas but doesn’t think about how they’ll end.

“What will you do,” Dooley continue, “when you find him? The Antisnatter has come very close to ending our world several times over. Will you fight him? Arrest him? He’ll kill you in an instant!”

“If there’s one thing I know how to do,” say Duddles crosspatchly, “it’s think on my feet. I’ll come up with something! The point is, right now we don’t know where he is or whether he’s alive. Everyone’s been working under the assumption that he isn’t, but what use is that? We have to find out! I’m going. Who’s coming with me?”

a big quietly settles on the workshop. nobody speaking. Duddles starting to look sad.

“I am,” go a little voice, and predictably two other little voices say so too. It’s his pals Honka and Vout and Boog that he was talking to yesterday, of course, other silly elfs like Duddles who don’t think things through, and they think they’re going to be able to deal with what they find when they track down the Antisnatter? Oh dear. Good luck, elfs, you’ll need it!

“Fine then,” say Duddles, and stride out of the Workshop with him friends behind him, and all the other elfs watching them go and feeling worriedey.

Outside, Dooley catch up with Duddles.

“Duddles,” he goe.

“What?” say Duddles still striding. He cross with Dooley now.

“I need your help. Before you go. I need to locate something, and if that’s what your invention can do, well then, it might be my only chance. It’s called ‘Her Maj’s Tea Service’.”

Duddles pause.

“What is it?”

“It’s something Chris mentioned… in the Log Book.”

Duddles looks like things are exciting and serious, and he ask Dooley about the Log Book. Dooley look around and quietly tell him that Snatter says he has met some people and had some adventures, but he’s fine and he will be home soon. Duddles says that’s good news!

Duddles frown and type in “Her Maj’s Tea Service” into the Snat-Nav. Snat-Nav say,

“Her Maj’s, Tea, Service. Is situated, on the, Silver Tea Tray. This is located deep within the Labyrinths of Fear, past the Fortress of Assassins, beyond the Forbidden Gate.”

“And… w-where are they?” go Dooley.

“Floor 12 of Elf School, round that little passage that leads from the library to the Languages block.”

“Thanks,” say Dooley and off he goe.

“Warning,” say the Snat-Nav just before he go. “The Tray is not free to take. You will first have to consult the Tray Guard.”

“Understood,” say Dooley, and walk off determinedly.

Duddles sets the Snat-Nav back to finding Antisnatter, and him and his pals march off across the snoe.

How very adventurous of them! Speaking of adventurous, let’s see what Snatter doing.

Ok so today’s chocolate in the book is… I’m not quite sure what it is. It’s some sort of animal, i dunno how to describe it really. it looks like it’s about as big as four cats, and it’s got a retractable leg so as it can leap up at you better, and it’s got four ears, two of them are for listening and the other two are kind-of backup ears, and its claws are as big as cups, and it’s got magnets on its tail and, instead of a mouth, it’s got four arses.

This thing’s such a weird shape there’s plenty for everyone. Tuck in chaps and fechaps.

Well! According to the Log Book, Snatter & Rose met a little bumbly priest, who was wandering about looking confused. Apparently he was really scared of the Antisnatter, because apparently word’s going round that the Antisnatter might be back!

The priest was really fretted up, so Snatter has been trying to calm him down and allay him fears, because everything’s fine and there’s no need to worry.

I agree with that. I mean Duddles is on the case looking for him, Dooley is going to find out who the spy is and whether they should worry about him, Snatter’s on his way home with special powers for the Ninjas, and all anyone’s even facing here is Christmas! We like Christmas! You noe?

Hurray! Here comes Christmas!


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