December 23rd, 2009

Here we are! I have found dore! It’s here on the Bridge of the space ship! It’s brilliant here, we can see all the little ppl operating the controls using their hands and the appendidges they’ve got on their heads, and we can see the big screne where we can see space and Yulicron looming over the earth.

:/ oh that’s right. Yulicron is looming over the earth isn’t it.

Well let’s get this door open anyway. Ok here we go, chocolate is of… oe! I don’t really noe what chocolate is of.

It’s a sort of scribbly shape, with a big sort of beak and sharp fingers coming out of billowy shoulders & arms and stuff? I dunnoe what it is, it a bit scary. Still tho, let’s nom it.


Sudden clarksons are going off all over the bridge! Red spinny lights! Something is happening!

Admiral Snatter run onto the bridge! “What is it? Did you find him?”

“Yes! go Dooley, looking into a sort of space telescope thing! “The scanners have locked onto the Antisnatter’s position!”

gasp! the antisnatter!!

but how can it be antisnatter? i mean, unless they mean the antisnatter duddles found, the half a dead body in the ice, except I doubt it, because they’ve already found that! so, what Antisnatter have they found then?Cause remember, we saw that he was just a corpse and it had had its innards removed out of a melty hole in the ice!! how can he be here now?! I once bumped my knee so hard it left a hole, it was a really bad bump and I was very brave for not going on about it even all these years later, well, having your innards all pulled out through some ice is a VERY bad bump! How’s he doing anything after that leve of bump??? Unless they’ve found a heap of innards or something, and that wouldn’t be very good

“I… I believe he wants to speak to you,” say Dooley, looking into him scope.

“Put him on screene” go admiral claus.

whole bridge hold it breath, and then…



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