December 13th, 2007

Oh my felloes, I carry a gr8 w8 on my conscience. Althoe I feel I must, if i am to calle myself a mane, show yuo the photograph included in the story we found yesterday in the newspaper, i find I cannotte!

Having re-read the article I can tell the writre was being deliberately ambiguous about the man photographed – never actually making it cleer whether he is a witness wanted for questioning, or a suspect wanted for this so-called murder of Dooper that hasn’t happened! But why be vague when you’re writing for the press, unless legally required to be??

Basically mates it looks like someone we knowe is under suspicion of committing a murder, a murder which we all know very well has not happened! Dooper is alive! I feel we must put this situation right, but one thing prevents us from continuing…

I can’t BRING myself to show you who it is that was apparently present at the scene of the “death”. Since it is patently impossible that the person in question was there at this murder, not only because it didn’t happen but because if it had it would definitely have been an episode of our advent-ures here, I know the accusation (if any) is false. But I daren’t! I daren’t show you! I da’re’nt!!!!

So instead let’s open today’s doore, door 13 (gosh, already?) which is situated in the Main Hall of the school. For tonight it is the night of…

The Snatavity Performance!1!!!

THat’s right it’s the big night! THe night of the show! Nerves are a bit tense backstage, because Snatter remembers what Beazie said about “waiting until the night,” and he really doesn’t seem to be around anywhere. I mean why would he be, rite? He’s not in the show because he’s so rubbish. But still…

Wel nothing’s happening backstage, so let’s have a venture out to the foyer…



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